Friday 7 December 2007

Art as a bridge between flesh and soul

„Art tears sown, builds up, and redefines. Art is uncomfortable. Good art (which, among other things, means truth-telling art) is good in itself, even when it is about bad things.

The idea of art being an expression of eternal, common, ageless, human themes is being lost. Therefore art is being lost, pounded to death by the political-religious moralizers.

Good art expresses an interest in everything. Art, like The Bible, is not defined by one period of history. Art explores immorality and immortality. There are no taboo subjects for good art because art is unafraid of the truth. Art, like Christ, comes to sinners in an imperfect world. People who imagine themselves to be perfect do not like art. Art is fleshy yet eternal. Art is human. Art is a mirror to the world. Art is the bridge between flesh and soul.”

(Franky SchaefferSham Pearls on Real Swine)

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