O altă întrebare ce se pune este: cine anume – altcineva decât propria conştiinţă – poate să traseze, ca un fel de Big Brother, traiectorii de simţire şi purtare cu „neortodocşii”, liste arbitrare cu dos and don’ts, din dorinţa de „a păstra necoruptă învăţătura cea dreaptă? Cât de aproape am voie să mă situez (cu gândul, vorba sau fapta) de un „neortodox”, astfel ca să nu comit o infracţiune şi să nu încalc normele ortodoxe de conduită? Şi aici funcţionează principiul: cei de foarte sus, laţi în spate (vezi IPS NC) şi cei din zona fringe a BOR sunt cel mai puţin sancţionaţi pentru „liberalism” şi „erezie”.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Under suspicion
Casă de toleranţă
Un actor mare
Sau faza când Dragoş Pâslaru îl interpreta pe Rică Venturiano în O noapte furtunoasă. Intră-n scenă şi-şi aminteşte doar „Angel radios”, se plimbă pe scenă de câteva ori, aleargă la sufleur şi-ntreabă disperat: „Cum e? Cum e?” Sufleurul: „Colosal, colosal!”
A blooming mind
Our GP sent us with Theodor to an orthopedist for a check up. We eventually made an appointment, saw a specialist, and here we are: the doctor said Theodor was fine. Both his feet and his spinal column were all right. We felt relieved.
Theodor is quite busy this days: morning training for his first year of school and piano lessons in the afternoon. Then play and sleep. And, of course, music, music, music. And walking. His mind is getting more and more organized and sharp. If only we learned to be the parents he fully deserves...Recently he wanted me to recite for him the short poem by Blaga about the ages of man: The child is laughing: „My wisdom and my love is the game!” / The young man is singing: „My game and my wisdom is the love!” / The old man keeps the silent: „My love and my game is the wisdom.” When it rains he keeps asking: „Why is it raining? It is raining because God wanted so, isn’t it?” This is all very nice until the D-day when he begins asking other questions, too, such as: "Who is God?" or "Where is God?" or "Where isn't God?" A working method and a living framework (context) might hopefully help him to find life-giving answers and to avoid death-bringing questions. Only time will tell...