Friday, 4 July 2008

Jesus Christ Superstar - the summer of 2008 edition

De ziua Americii e tămbălău mare la stadion. Timp de trei seri fiul unui pastor yankeu (despre care Woody Allen spunea mockingly, în Sleeper: This is Billy Graham – very big in the religion business...You know, he knew God personally) în rol de „cruciat” va concerta unui public avid să fie „evanghelizat” – la modul „carismatic”, se înţelege – sau să „asculte the word of God”...Ce să mai spui? It takes all sorts to make a world sau, pe româneşte, mare-i grădina lui Dumnezeu. Valabil şi pentru Mitropolitul rebel (cunoscut ca Popa Vasile printre securiştii vechiului regim) al Banatului, care s-ar fi adresat aşa trubadurului (al cărui concert, defăşurat sub genericul Festivalul Speranţei, este mediatizat printr-o îndelungată şi bine gândită propagandă agresivă) transformat ad-hoc în pop (super)star creştin zilele acestea la Timişoara: „Acum, când ne-am câştigat libertatea prin sacrificii si sânge vărsat, împreună cu fraţii din bisericile evanghelice, mă alătur creştinilor ortodocşi din ţara noastră şi vă adresez invitaţia să susţineţi o cruciadă evanghelistică în luna iulie 2008. Să ne trăieşti, IPS, că ne trebuieşti – cam asta e vox populi la ora actuală. Sad, but true. If only IPS was the only black sheep in the higher levels of BOR...

Hit-ul lui Phil Collins Jesus He Knows Me e, în aceste zile, mai viu ca oricând. Cam ăsta e şi mesajul „cruciadei” de la Timişoara (for whoever has ears, let him hear):

You see the face on the TV screen
Coming at you every Sunday
See that face on the billboard
That man is me

On the cover of the magazine
There’s no question why I’m smiling
You buy a piece of paradise
You buy a piece of me

I'll get you everything you wanted
I'll get you everything you need
Don’t need to believe in hereafter
Just believe in me

Cos’ Jesus he knows me
And he knows I’m right
I’ve been talking to Jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows I’m right
And he’s been telling me
Everything is all right

I believe in the family
With my ever loving wife beside me
But she don’t know about my girlfriend
Or the man I met last night

Do you believe in God
Cos’ that’s what I’m selling
And if you wanna get to heaven
I'll see you right

You won't even have to leave your house
Or get out of your chair
You don’t even have to touch that dial
Cos’ I’m everywhere

And Jesus he knows me
And he knows I’m right
I’ve been talking to Jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows I’m right
Well he’s been telling me
Everything’s gonna be alright

Won’t find me practising what I’m preaching
Wont find me making no sacrifice
But I can get you a pocketful of miracles
If you promise to be good, try to be nice
God will take good care of you
Just do as I say, don’t do as I do

I’m counting my blessings,
I’ve found true happiness
Cos’ I’m getting richer, day by day
You can find me in the phone book,
Just call my toll free number
You can do it anyway you want
Just do it right away

There’ll be no doubt in your mind
You’ll believe everything I’m saying
If you wanna get closer to him
Get on your knees and start paying

Cos’ Jesus he knows me
And he knows I’m right
I’ve been talking to Jesus all my life
Oh yes he knows me
And he knows I’m right
Well he’s been telling me
Everything’s gonna be alright, alright

Jesus he knows me
Jesus he knows me, you know...

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