Oricum, demersul autorului – de a descoperi (si trăi) tainele Ortodoxiei, de a afla valoarea pâinii câştigate prin trudă, de a fi „monah pentru o zi”, de a găsi un echilibru între acţiune şi contemplaţie, de a înţelege valoarea clipei prezente – este vrednic de luat în considerare. Mai departe însă, fiecare îşi acordă trăirea duhovnicească la oazele de frumuseţe şi omenie din ritmurile discorcentante ale (post)modernităţii după puterile sale.
Monday, 14 July 2008
Oliver Story
Din puţul gândirii
Sacred diet
We had lunch at my mother’s and later on we went to the (former) Synagogue, where The French Cultural Centre gave a concert (Salieri: Armonia per un tempio della Notte; Mozart / Josef Triebensee: Variaţiuni pe o temă din Don Giovanni; Franz Krommer: Partita în Fa major, op. 56) conducted by Eric Baude (The FCC’s current manager). The location is in ruins, but one can’t help visualising all those religious services that were once held there. Now, under the jurisdiction of the
Our Metropolitan’s name has come back again to the lips of ultra-Orthodox priests who put it under a sort of “embargo” for a few weeks, until the Synod of ROC (Romanian Orthodox Church) pardoned him, once he admitted he was wrong. Funny enough, his repentance (or lip service) disappointed the pro-Catholic team, as they blame him now for inconsistence. Thus, his act of “brotherly love” - when he partook the Eucharist in a newly planted Greek-Orthodox Church – created confusion in both sides who keep blaming him for inconsistency and lack of integrity.